Stoute revolutionized the way blue chip marketers and superstar artists connect with consumers. His campaigns include Jay-Z's successful 'S-Carter' sneaker launch with Reebok; Justin Timberlake and the "I'm lovin it" campaign for McDonald's; Beyonce's partnership with Samsung; Lady Gaga's partnership with MAC Cosmetics and Mary J. Blige's "My Life" fragrance with Carol's Daughter and HSN, which broke industry sales records.
The Tanning of America: How the Culture of Hip-Hop Rewrote the Rules of the New Economy (Gotham Books) is available in book stores TODAY Sept. 8, 2011. For more information visit, To follow on Twitter @SteveStoute or friend on Facebook The event hashtags are #tanningofamerica and #tanning. Follow Steve on Twitter @SteveStoute and hastag #tanningofamerica or #tanning. You can also go to his website at and friend him on Facebook: