A gritty new series by “Grey’s Anatomy” creator Shonda Rhimes will star Kerry Washington. The star will play the role of real life crisis manager and public relations specialist Judy Smith, who once advised Monica Lewinsky during the Clinton scandal.
Article by Eurweb.com
This new show will definitely be filled with lot of drama and “Scandal” as it is appropriately called. Don’t believe us? Then check out the trailer below. Home girl brings it and then some.
According to official show synopsis, the series will “revolve around the life and work of a professional crisis manager and her dysfunctional staff.’ Washington leads the “gladiators in suits” as Olivia Pope, a former media relations consultant to the President. Although Pope has opened up her own firm, she can’t seem to cut ties with her past “professionally and personally.”
The official premiere date has not yet been determined.
Article by Eurweb.com